Lender Criteria

Bespoke Mezzanine Debt Solutions for Medium Sized Business Enterprises

Attract Capital focuses on delivering mezzanine loans for companies in need of acquisition financing, growth capital or bank loan refinance. We source our financing from lenders within the Attract Capital lending platform. Our platform’s lending criteria reflects the underlying criteria of the lenders in our platform.

Size Range

  • Loan size of £5 million to £15 million
  • Borrower Revenues £15 million to £100 million
  • Borrower EBITDA £3 million to £15 million
  • Borrower EBITDA margin of 8% or higher

Financing Focus

  • Financing for acquisitions, expansion and bank refinancing.
  • Company acquisitions, fund less sponsor buyouts, owner buy out or dividend recapitalization.
  • Loans include One-stop shop/Unitranche financing, Senior secured debt and
    Subordinated debt.

Industry Focus & Company Type

  • Varied across a wide range of sectors.
  • No start-up companies or those operating in the exploration of natural resources, real estate or operational turnarounds.

Client Characteristics

  • Established companies with a profitable track record.
  • Most be profitable for the last two years.
  • Diversified customer base and product line.
  • Experienced management team.
  • Financial Statements must be reviewed or audited by an accounting firm.


  • United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • Other Northern European countries